Tonight I am finally able to sit down and update all who read this about whats been going on in my life. First of all, the job at National Counseling Group, has had its ups and downs. It is definitly hard to get use to but getting there. I make my own schedule which is nice but the downside is that i have clients who love to cancel. I am becoming much more aggressive and not so passive as i have learned that these clients definitly like to take you for all its worth.
The beach trip this year was amazing! I had so much fun and I am surprised i didn't write about it yet. It really was great to spend some time with my nephews and nieces. I spent so much time in the water and I actually...drum roll.. tanned! Although with how pale i am no one really noticed the sun i got except for me. haha. There was tons of laughter tons of craziness, and I completely finished two whole books on my trip. Since then I haven't had time to read anything but progress notes and staff meeting reports. ick!
We all know chris loves to sleep so on the way down to the beach I had some fun with my new blackberry.

As you can the beach was amazing as always! In other news I am now 23! Another extremely frightening thought but besides the point.
Living with Pamela has turned out to be a wonderful experience for me. Its been rough starting a new job and paying rent and bills and learning to manage money the hard way but im surviving. Thankfully aunt syd still lets me do laundry at her house to save me some extra dimes. On that note, I harrass the woman as much as I can. I miss her alot but since she is helping my cousin kelly I have a great opportunity if a client does cancel to see her and my baby cousins who i can never get enough of!!
Things are coming along with me. I have alot that I am still wishing I could accomplish right now, one being financially comfortable but I am getting a ton of experience and that is important to. I must admit I did fall in a slum for a few weeks last month and I was almost scared I wouldn't surface again but I have some wonderful friends and wonderful family. As much as my mother has screwed things up for me she gets the brunt of my anger in these low times of mine. No matter what she listens and bears with the pain I know I put her through. I will yell and scream and cry and she listens and the next day we go back to the way things were. It has been nice though as she has begun to learn to be more technologically advanced. We now send picture messages back and forth when we feel the need to see eachother. Weird I know but its all I can ask for. Right now I am looking forward to the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather and of course my favorite holiday of all times, Halloween! Pamela has got a great red riding hood costume I am thinking of wearing! I will leave you with a few more pictures and I promise to update more often so the entries aren't as dreadfully long!

My cousins are my life. <3
Peace, Light and Love,
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