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Monday, July 27, 2009


I have to say I don't really feel 24. This weekend along with my summer seems to have flown by. I have to say I was a little disappointed for my birthday. I spent the weekend hoping to spend time with friends and family. I did get to see my family not all but some. However I realized that maybe I was very deceived by who my true friends are. These so called "friends" spent the weekend parting elsewhere and grilling and going to six flags without me. They didn't call or make an effort to celebrate with me. I know this must sound selfish and negative of me but it really hurt. I do have a much better idea of who really matters in my life. Finally late sunday night I was able to go swimming which is what I really wanted to do. I went with my friend and his girlfriend which was fun. I had a great time out to lunch with my aunt and uncle and brother. I think that to me to be 24 is just so weird. I feel so old and yet I still feel like such a little kid all the time. Today I am sitting back relaxing and taking a breather and getting super psyched for the beach. My tooth infection seems to have disappeared so i think i will be able to enjoy my week at the beach with no problem. I can't wait! I am going to take the week and enjoy myself and not worry about anything! I am looking forward to spending time with my family, reading, swimming and relaxing. I am going to venture out and maybe take some walks alone and reflect, that will be a challenge to me because I hate to be inside my own head. But oh how I can't wait to just sit back and relax with my feet in the sand. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously 24 years old? I didn't think it had been that long! I love you! Mrs. McGill