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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ready for Summer.

Yet again, its been awhile since my last update so let me see what I can write to fill you in. Work was slow and depressing for about a month when I was having a lack of clients. However I have a great client load currently that I just started. I am also extremely happy to report that I am doing very well at work, getting great reports from my supervisor and director. I find that I work so much  harder and better when I am getting compliments and so much positive reinforcement. I am learning so much and I am so grateful that I found this job however much it may stress me out sometimes. I just hit my one year mark at National Counseling Group and am turing in my evaluation soon. Yes a raise would be nice. :)
I am attempting to keep a strong grasp on the
 happy and positive things in my life. I have been struggling a great deal with the things that are going on with my mother, as my brother has as well.  I didn't realize that it would be this hard for me but I would never have the strength to deal with it without my family. Currently chris is on the road with his band touring. I hear from him a little bit more regularly then others and he seems to be doing fine. I do believe he will be coming back to McLean eventually after the tour is done with. I will be happy when he returns. We seem to get closer each time he leaves. I feel like we are both finally growing up and to a point where fighting just isn't worth it anymore. 
Pamela returns in less then 30 days now and I am both excited and nervous to have her return. I am excited because I miss her so much. However I am nervous because I hope that I kept good care of the place while she was gone. I have a few things to finish before she returns, including getting rid of the old television we have which no longer works and I  have to bring up a new table she ordered that we are putting in the hallway. I have to admit I will be relieved when she returns. I have never really taken care of plants except a bonsai that I ended up killing and I keep thinking I am going to kill one of her plants. 
Below is a pic of chris and his bass player during one of their shows on tour.

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