I love October! It is the best part of fall and who doesn't love Halloween??? Well unfortunately I put a hault on my Halloween fun because I have had to work alot this month so that I can take off to spend a few days in Oregon. So I am planning to do my Scary movies, cooking and carving with my mommy :). I m so excited that in just 3 1/2 days I get to go to Oregon and see my other favorite family. I also am scared out of my mind. Seeing my mom isn't the easiest thing. I have a habit of reverting to my 15 year self wanting to stay and take care of her, which i know I can't. But lets avoid that subject because I can attack that issue when I return. Heres what I have done this month...1) applied to grad school! I applied to University of New Englands online Masters of Social Work program. I am waiting on my transcripts and recommendations to send in. I am planning on starting full time in January and continuing working full time at National Counseling Group as well. I know its going to be hard but I am determined to make this happen, I remember thinking I wasn't going to survive highschool much less make it this far :). I also just got a new bed! I know this sounds like a small thing but its not to me. I grew up with a wonderful family who took me in. However, I didn't really have my "OWN" things. I lived out of a suitcase for a long time it seems. I will always consider both "the tree house " and Aunt syds my homes but it is so nice to have my very own first bed. Its mine :) . Its gorgeous and without pamela I never would have it. This was my "thank you" present for taking care of the house while Pamela was away. She always finds this ways to make me so happy I could cry. The picture of my father for one and now this. She is extremely thoughtful and very sincere. I love that she knows me better then a lot of people and loves me all the same. I have to sleep now and stop rambling for I have 3 days of work and somehow I have to fit all my client's in. But come 1:45 pm on Thursday I will be flying with Lauren to Oregon. I can't wait to see you guys!!!! I am so excited I could squeal...but I won't. I will pass along some pictures of my cute little room so you guys can see how pretty it is though :) . Peace and Love!