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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Arrivals, Changes and Adulthood

Its been awhile ladies and gents so let me fill you in as much as I can on the last couple months...I graciously anticipated the arrival of my new bundle of joy while staying with my brother and Aunt Sydney which was a wonderful and very appreciated situation so that I could be stable and get back on my feet. Around 10pm when my brother and I were watching...Rescuers Down Under (in our defense Bella was there who was 3 at the time,...who am i kidding we love that movie and she was already sleeping), anyway around 10 pm, I came back from the kitchen after taking my iron pill only to stop mid stride and look up and say "oh"...My little brother immediately paused the movie and said "oh great did your water just break", I said either that or i peed on myself and we bantered back and forth about what I was suppose to do next meanwhile I waddled to the bathroom and he turned the movie back on. The next 2 hours were quite silly, I called the docter who said to come in right away and then proceeded to freak out attempt to wash crib sheets, took a shower washed and dried and straightened my  hair and my brother went and picked up Angie. Needless to say I arrived at the hospital around two hours later.. At 10:27 am on December 12, 2012 after 12 hours of later Mia Josephine Cunningham graced us with her arrival. Born naturally with no c-section Mia came out with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice and tied in a knot, the doctor told us he'd never seen anything like it she truly is a miracle. So grateful to my doctor who worked so quickly that I didn't even know about this until after she was in my arms. The umbilical cord could not be saved even to donate cord blood but thank god my baby was okay.

After a few days I was allowed to take her home, only to return to the hospital two days later for another week because Mia had jaundice and an infection! I stayed in the pediatric section of the hospital at INOVA with her and slept on a pull out chair, I wasn't about to leave for a minute. Her uncle came to visit often and brought me food and my computer so I was able to finish my Masters program online while I was there. I received my diploma a few weeks after we got home :) They ran way to many tests and said there was something wrong with Mia's kidney however later they released us. As of right now Mia is a super healthy super amazing and very well behaved 5 month old. Yes well behaved!! This child barely cries she is an angel and yah I know every parent says that but Mia is my everything so I will say it too. At 5 months she weighs ten lbs. Shes very little they are still worried and I need to get her kidney looked at again shortly but I know in my heart she is just fine.

Since coming home, I have taken a new job and Mia and I relocated to Roanoke, Virginia. I am working as a therapist/clinician in the schools down here and just moved into my very own one bedroom apartment with Mia. Its just enough space for the two of us (for those who aren't aware, I have separated myself from Mia's father, he is still in her life but needs to do some growing up). Its been a difficult and wonderful change. I feel like so much has changed the past few months I am still trying to catch up but so far it has been a wonderful journey. Mia was and is the most wonderful surprise I could of ever gotten. Someone was looking out for me. I believe I have emailed everyone are new address but you can always email me if you don't have it! I'll leave you with some love and pictures.....xoxo