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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Sphere....No Way.

Times they are a changing..did anyone if not everyone hear about the spring sphere? What a ridiculous concept. Well I'm old fashioned so it will always be an Easter egg to me. Well its been months since my last chance to update so I guess I should have a lot of interesting stories to tell...unfortunately not too interesting though. The last few months have been a whirlwind blur. School has been wonderful but very intense and it won't stop this summer. I ended my most recent Substance Abuse class and am waiting to hear my final grade and my next class starts tonight at midnight. This class will be Social Work with Older Adults which I actually feel is going to be quite challenging to me since I am deathly afraid of the whole getting older, death thing. Another decision I have made is that I desperately need to get my anxiety in check. I had to stop Zumba for the time being because my work and school schedule just couldn't fit it in but I am hoping to possibly get back into it this summer... we'll see. Until than I ordered a yoga dvd so I'm going to do yoga in the evening to try to calm myself down. I also got this wonderful app on my Iphone called Get Running that is working me through a program to build endurance and teaching me how to run. Sounds silly but I like it and I've been wanting to start running for awhile now.
Lets see aside from school work is been crazy busy but I am grateful for a wonderful supervisor who has finally made it possible for me to get the hours I need. I see to be much more motivated when I am busy these days. I have still be looking on the horizon for something else, I love my job but low salary and millions of miles I put on my car is wearing on me. Other than that the rest of the time about a measly 1% that I am not working or studying I'm talking to David or my mother on the phone. Now that spring is hear I am going to be even more busy fitting everything into a crazy schedule. This summer Pamela and I are joining her mother and cousin for a trip to Disney World which I am completely excited for. I am so fortunate because this was a great surprise to me from Pamela and her mother and really will give me an opportunity to relive my childhood which we all need....well I try to relive my childhood daily but you know what I mean. Haha.
With the upcoming changes and the busy schedule I don't know what is next to come but I hope something good. My 3 year review is on Friday and although I don't know what will happen I would really love to have a good review and can't help in my heart but to cross my fingers for a promotion. In other news I have been sad to watch some wonderful people in my life fall on some rocky paths. Its been difficult for me to stand back and observe without trying to jump in and "save" as I use to do. I think that this year has been full of good learning experiences for me and its only been a few months. I look forward to whats ahead. I truly believe that things happen for a reason, whatever is thrown my way I know I can handle because I've done alright this far... My goals starting this week are to continue to be positive, continue to keep my 4.0 gpa, and work my butt off to get running this year. Oh and don't forget the wonderful news that Obama is in fact...an American..Haha..Mr. Trump sure knows how to make an ass out of himself. :)
I enjoy goofing off. :)

Peace and Serenity,
Me <3