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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The past months have flown by, I have been so busy with school work, zumba and other activities that I can't believe its January already. Aside from this I am unbelievably happy. I don't think Ive been this happy in my whole life! Im going to tell a story to explain my current situation. I had a friend in highschool, he was very close to me but I moved to Oregon. We talked on the phone alot and he was there through some of he rough times but somewhere in highschool we lost touch. In college I found him again we talked we caught up and we once again became great friends. At this time he was living in Texas so again I lost touch with him. A year later he was in the army stationed in Aberdeen, MD and we reconnected again except this time he had a kid. He got married and now has two kids and we of course lost touch and he ended up having a bad time and a divorce. Now comes the good part...God yet again brought us together. Now all of you know me and I am not one to speak out at all religiously I keep such things to myself. But there is no way this is coincidence. I am so happy and so lucky to have this wonderful man brought back into my life. I am blogging about this because he is so important to me I want you all to know. I just got back from spending 4 wonderful days in Texas with him, Katie (my best friend) and his two beautiful children. I couldn't be happier. Now all I have to do is wait for him to come home which is a work in progress because moving is costly and not easy. I wanted to share how happy I was and I am sorry if its completely corny but I have never wanted all of you to meet someone so badly and hopefully one day soon you will. Other than that school is wonderful and challenging I am busy and Zumba is keeping me somewhat fit. So far 2011 has turned out to be amazing and I finally feel like my past is behind me and I have a whole new life to look forward to. I am motivated and happy and can't wait to see what comes next. I love you all :)

peace and love